Church Members Bring Generosity and Bags to the Food Bank

By Kara Witsoe, Volunteer


After learning of an urgent need for paper bags, several members of Peace Lutheran Church in Port Ludlow gathered to help Ballard Food Bank. The churchgoers began saving paper bags and brought them to chief bag collector David Witsoe last summer. David passed them on to his daughter in Seattle, who brought them to Ballard Food Bank.


To date, the group has donated hundreds of much-needed bags, an item critical to providing the community with fresh, healthy food. By lowering the expense of purchasing paper bags each month, the savings allow staff to direct valuable resources toward food purchases.



The church members also support their local food bank and other community organizations on the Olympic Peninsula and have been very charitable in their efforts to help Ballard Food Bank. “It’s part of our church’s founding objectives to respond to the needs of our local and worldwide neighbors,” said David. We’re very grateful for the generosity of the Peace Lutheran Church members.


It's easy to start a paper bag or food drive.  Check out our resource guide for more info and get started today! Click here.

Ballard Food Bank