Looking for a New Home

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I have exciting news! We are making Ballard Food Bank stronger and more responsive to the needs of our community. 
The thousands of people we serve deserve a better, bolder Ballard Food Bank. They need a place where they can access food and other services like housing information, medical care, and veterans’ benefits – all under one roof. We can be that place.
We’ve already started this work with our Community Resource Hub. In addition to food, clients meet with our amazing partners on-site at the Food Bank for resources that address the full spectrum of their needs. We hear stories each day about people who visit the Food Bank for groceries and leave with solutions to other challenges in their lives.
We have a big vision. We will solidify and expand the Community Hub – make it the one-stop shop for people who require a little help to get through a hard time and become self-sufficient. Ballard will be a place where people who have different levels of income can live and work. 
This big vision requires a new space. Ballard Food Bank is bursting at the seams with our current activities; more space is essential to serve our neighbors. People grappling with hunger and poverty shouldn’t have to travel long distances to pay an energy bill or schedule a dental appointment. Our clients’ lives are hard enough – let’s make this part easy.
We’re in an active search. Affordable and accessible space is very hard to find in Seattle, especially in the areas we serve. We’ve started looking for a location for our new home. It’s intensifying because our current lease runs out in October of 2021.
I invite you all to keep your eyes and ears open for properties that could be our home – a place that provides the hope our community deserves.
While we embark on this journey to find a new home, our current operations of offering food, hygiene items, financial assistance, and more will continue without interruption. Many of our neighbors are preparing for the tough winter months and are at risk of losing critical resources like food stamps. Please continue to donate your time, talent, and financial support – it makes our work possible.

We promise to keep you up to speed as our search progresses. Keep an eye on our website www.ballardfoodbank.org for more details. If you have specific questions, please contact me at jenm@ballardfoodbank.org or 206-789-7800.
Thank you for your support of Ballard Food Bank now and as we look to the future. The work we are doing to serve all in our community is vital – now more than ever.

-Jen Muzia, Executive Director